AccessScience. McGraw-Hill []. In a completely retooled version, the online counterpart of The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and ...
The main feature of thermodynamic diagrams is the equivalence between the area in the diagram and energy. When air changes pressure and temperature during a process and prescribes a closed curve ...
As with so many findings, the so-called 'immortal jellyfish' was discovered by accident. During a visit to my laboratory in the 1980s, a German student, Christian Sommer, and my very first student, ...
Master’s Thesis, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Walsh, M. (2016). Fire and disturbance ecology. McGraw Hill, AccessScience, Online Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. Walsh, M. (2014).
I am a Professor of Engineering Science at Simon Fraser University. My professional interests revolve around signal processing, machine learning, and their applications in image and video processing, ...
Goldstein, J. H., & Ruch, W. (Eds.) (2018). Humor across the lifespan: Theory, measurement, applications: Festschrift in honor of Paul E. McGhee. Humor: International ...