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Thrillers that rely too heavily on a twist have a limited shelf life (remember The Uninvited? A Perfect Getaway? The Invitation? Relax, nobody does) The memorable ones transcend the gimmick with ...
Fresh off using the constitutional equivalent of an Uzi to kill judicial scrutiny of a sloppily drafted, widely criticized parental rights bill, the Saskatchewan Party government is heading back to ...
Like all media outlets, Planet S is struggling and needs your help. Planet S makes Saskatoon better. For more than 20 years we’ve covered this city and province from a fact-based, progressive and ...
Life expectancy isn’t a perfect metric for measuring human health. But it is a decent stand-in, and for the last two centuries — thanks to advances in medical science, food production and nutrition, ...
It’s tremendously unsettling that in the year 2023, the LGBTQ+ community is again under siege — this time because of craven politicians aligning themselves with the religious right and parroting their ...
Look for us in street boxes or, indoors, in stands, on counters or at customer service.
When we think of workplace safety, we usually think of the physical, and sadly even fatal injuries that workers can suffer on the job. But in a new five-year Mission Zero safety strategy that the ...
As the consequences of burning dirty, climate-altering fossil fuels hit harder by the day, many are seizing on nuclear power as a “clean” energy alternative. But how clean is it? Although it may not ...
You know when you listen to a song and it makes you feel happy and sad at the same time? It’s this sense of yearning and elation that just hits so good. There’s a term I can’t recall, but it’s similar ...
This story was originally published in the April 1998 edition of Planet S’ sister paper, Prairie Dog. We post it on the occasion of Rex Murphy’s death age 77 on May 9, 2024. Slumped across my couch in ...