starting from the 15th century. Founder Kano Masanobu was the chief painter of the Ashikaga shogunate in the Muromachi period.
In 1341, Hatakeyama Takakuni, who was appointed Ōshū tandai by Ashikaga shogunate, established a fortified residence at this location, and changed his name to "Nihonmatsu". However, despite his title, ...
The Shiba clan was a strong supporter of the Ashikaga shogunate and the Northern Court. Shiba Kaneyori later changed his surname to "Mogami", and the Mogami clan continued to rule for about 275 years.
as both Naoe and Yasuke are confronted with the human cost of Japanese unification after Nobunaga deposed the Ashikaga shogunate. The open-world map will include the Iga, Arima, and Ōmi provinces ...
This was the political landscape of the Kamakura period. After the fall of the Kamakura Shogunate by Ashikaga Takauji and Nitta Yoshisada, the story of Hojo Tokiyuki, the legitimate successor of the ...
Hojo Tokiyuki, once heir to a powerful clan, is thrust into a world of exile and peril after the treacherous Ashikaga Takauji usurps the Kamakura shogunate. With his family slaughtered and his legacy ...