When it comes to the existence of mice lurking around our households, many would agree that this is a hindrance to living our ...
Experts are sounding the alarm about a tiny brown bug that can cause significant damage to gardens. While it might appea ...
Earlier this year, a rat expert warned that the rodents are growing to the size of 'small dogs' as they feast on our ...
A gardening expert has shared their top tips on how to naturally deter several of the most common garden pests - including ...
Mice may look cute to some people, but they are considered a pest because of how quickly they can multiply and the large ...
Rats and mice can cause havoc inside the home, and they are more likely to try and shelter inside properties as the weather ...
The sight of a mouse or rat scurrying around in a home is always alarming, but there are humane ways to stop them entering ...
"Adding sturdy fencing and chicken wire is a great way to deter rodents from even entering your garden. It is also a good ...
If you want to repel these pests, households will need to use strong scents that will "overpower" their sense of smell.
Gardening experts have shared a simple and cheap way to deter rats from your garden without needing to use expensive and ...
Hope, via the newsletter Caleb’s advice: While peppermint oil can temporarily deter them, it’s not the most reliable solution. Mice have no bladder control ... Some more humane methods include ...
Moths hate the scent of lavender, cedarwood and thyme, so you can use essential oils in these as a natural repellent ... wasps - hate the smell of peppermint oil so spraying this liberally ...