CORRUPTION is a deeply ingrained issue in the political landscape, particularly in Papua New Guinea. This is a result of a transactional relationship between voters and politicians, where elections ...
Political and economic pressures are rising in PNG, with escalating social tensions suggesting a need for focused regional ...
HIS Holiness Pope Francis’ appeal to Papua New Guinea to find common ground for a lasting political solution for the people ...
In PNG about 25 percent of its 11 million people live below the poverty line and slightly more than 10 percent have ...
The pope said natural resources should be developed in a sustainable manner that "improves the wellbeing of all, excluding ...
Australia has loaned millions to PNG, despite the government’s issues with unaccountable and nontransparent spending.
Pope Francis on Saturday called for better treatment of workers in Papua New Guinea, a nation of some 600 islands in the ...
Vanuatu: Fourth, Indonesia-Vanuatu cooperation. Although Vanuatu is known as a country that is consistent and steadfast in ...
Pope Francis on Saturday called for better treatment of workers in Papua New Guinea, a nation of some 600 islands in the ...
Pope Francis has called for sustainable development of Papua New Guinea's resources as he appeals for an end to tribal ...
However, some reports suggest PNG’s political and business elites may be implicated in resourcing such violence. They may perceive electoral advantage from violence and insecurity, or economic ...